Lakewood Shooting latest: Boy lost part of frontal lobe, grandmother says; Evidence log revealed

Bullets, cartridges, bulletproof vests, and a magazine were among the 32 items seized from Lakewood Church shooter Genesse Moreno’s home in the rampage’s immediate aftermath.

On Thursday, Eyewitness News obtained an evidence log recorded by law enforcement after investigators from multiple agencies, including the FBI, executed a search warrant on the 36-year-old’s home on Gulfstream Road in Conroe. The log was one of the many documents that ABC13 sought through open-records requests after the shooting.

Law enforcement has written in documents and told ABC13 in private conversations that explosives were their primary concern during the search.

In a search warrant obtained by ABC13, a Houston police officer wrote that Moreno stated she had a bomb before she was shot and killed at Lakewood. The paperwork says law enforcement found substances consistent with the manufacturing of explosives at Lakewood, as well as a cord, which they worried may have been a detonation cord.

The evidence log shows law enforcement recovered a number of unknown substances from her Conroe home Sunday for further testing.

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