Valentine’s Day: Bay Area searching for love through traditional, modern ways

Speed dating encourages strangers to meet face-to-face and what better day to take a chance on love than

Valentine’s Day


SF Quick Dates

‘ hosted the event Wednesday evening inside the Avatar Hotel in Santa Clara.

Cupertino resident Felipe Silva said this was his first time going out after a breakup.

“It’s nerve-racking right? Because there’s a lot of new things,” Silva said.

He hopes this could be the first step in getting to meet someone rather than a club or bar.

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“So it’s a better setup where there’s not loud music – it’s simpler to talk and that’s kind of the environment I prefer. I just got to give it a try,” Silva said.

Los Gatos resident Yijun Liu said this is her first speed dating event as well.

“I actually stopped dating for the last five years and then I just feel like finally I’m ready. I used the last couple years to do some interwork, to grow, mature, to really learn about healthy relationships,” Liu said.

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