Wylie East High School Students Experience Disaster Response Simulations with Texas Army National Guard


The Texas Army National Guard recently held a Mission Day at Wylie East High School. The event used virtual reality (VR) to simulate rescue missions, teaching students about teamwork and communication in disaster scenarios. Students from AFJROTC and Law Enforcement classes participated in four VR simulations: Field Hospital, Night Vision Rescue, HAZMAT Cleanup, and Virtual Firefighter.

In the Field Hospital simulation, students used VR goggles and a CPR dummy to perform CPR on virtual soldiers. Sophomore Isabella Troncoso found the simulation realistic, saying it felt like she was ‘pumping a real person.’ The goal was to give students a practical understanding of field medical procedures.

The Night Vision Rescue and HAZMAT Cleanup simulations were also part of the event. Students used night vision headgear to navigate dark tunnels and rescue a virtual victim. They also wore hazmat suits to clear a virtual field of debris. These simulations aimed to expose students to the challenges of disaster rescue missions.

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