New bill seeks to eliminate brake tags in Louisiana

Could brake tags soon be a historical relic of a bygone era in the state of Louisiana?

State Rep. Larry Bagley of Logansport is trying to make that a reality with a new proposal to the state legislature.

It’s a bill that has failed two times prior to this latest filing, but he’s hoping the third time will be the charm.

“I’ve brought it twice before, the first 4 years I ran,” Bagsley told KEEL. “Neither time, I really didn’t have any trouble getting the votes out to vote for it, but the problem was that the governor was not really in favor of pushing it, neither was the state police. The state police fought it both times.”

Bagley was asked what the state police’s issue was with doing away with the requirement.

“Well, the issue was that at that time they said that they needed that sticker because, ‘If we see a car with the number wrong on that sticker and it’s a violation, we know that there are other violations in that car,’” Bagley said.

But Bagley said the state police have changed their tune as of late thanks to a new tax that may not aid in discovering further traffic violations but does replace the money generated by the brake tag fees.

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