Bitter cold blankets the region this weekend, followed by a warming trend early next week!

Bitterly cold temperatures for the next 24 hours. leading us into a warming trend throughout the beginning of next week.

36 Hour Temp Trend:

last 36hr trend.JPG

  • Temperatures are steadily dropping, with the lowest temp falling tonight at 21 degrees.

Saturday Wind Chills:

  • Temperatures are cold through Sunday morning, but the wind chill factor making these temperatures bitterly cold.
  • Wind chill values early Saturday in the mid teens, then by 2pm, wind chill values drop as low as 0 degrees.

Warming Trend through Mid Week:

wide ridge wednesday.JPG

  • Following a embedded trough North of Missouri on Monday bringing in some clouds, we see a wide ridge covering our area leading us to have sunny skies and a warm trend for the first half of the week.

Thursday Rain Chances:

thursday showers.JPG

  • After the ridge propagates towards the east, we see rain chances move in Wednesday in the overnight hours.
  • Rain showers pop up in the southern counties likely after midnight, continuing showers into the start of the day on Thursday.

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