Aric Robinson assaults, locks wife in room during argument

31-year-old Aric Robinson was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, April Robinson, at their shared residence on Ogburn Chapel Road on February 4th. As officers approached their home, they heard a female voice screaming, “Get off me! I can’t breathe!” Upon entry, the officers saw Aric standing over April, holding her to the ground. Aric was handcuffed and escorted outside of the residence. Once outside, Aric stated that he and April got into an argument. Aric stated he was holding April’s shoulders, and then they ended up on the ground with her screaming that she couldn’t breathe. Officers then made contact with April, who stated that during their argument, Aric locked her inside a room. April stated that Aric didn’t let her out of the room and that she had to break the door to escape. The argument continued until Aric grabbed April by the arms, leading to the couple shoving each other multiple times. The shoving continued until they both fell to the ground. Aric then got on top of April and held her down while she was screaming for him to get off her. Aric Robinson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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