Teen Left Dangling by Her Leg From a Power Line After Car Crash

An Idaho teenager attributes electrocution to saving her life after a 2021 car accident launched her into the air and left her dangling from a power line.

As she told Inside Edition , Littledike, then 16, was driving two of her friends home from looking at a sunset. She was “emotional” at the time, working through her first difficult breakup. “I can’t remember what made me start crying again. It was so abrupt and happened so quickly,” she said of the crash.

“I overcorrected too far, and I went off the road on the right side,” she explained. “My side of the vehicle hit the power pole, and we started flipping and rolling. We didn’t have our seat belts. So when we were flipping, and I was the first one out, I wasn’t on the ground. I was actually hanging in the power line by my broken leg.”

Littledike was horribly injured in the crash, but miraculously the power line saved her life. “In the process of getting thrown, my arm was actually torn off,” she explained. “[It] was hanging on by the skin on my back, and then my femur was snapped over the wire and hanging in front of my face.”

Story continues