I always appreciate it when the Left tells us what they think is important. This month’s example comes out of the Democrat, dark money-funded, independent campaign group that calls itself the 907 Initiative.
Earlier this month, we received a gorgeous 4-page, color brochure printed on heavy paper entitled the Annual Performance Report Bronson Administration Year 3 of 3. It’s an attack on Mayor Dave.
Not unexpectedly, it was a hatchet job on him, his administration, aimed at battlespace preparation for the mayoral election next month, essentially their local version of Orange Man Bad. It was sent out to whomever the 907 Initiative has on their mail list.
The piece concluded with an easily predictable overall performance grade of F, based on their grades on 8 areas, 2 F’s, two D’s, 3 C’s, and an incomplete. An unweighted combination of those grades in the public schools would be a D+ rather than an F, as C’s outnumber F’s.
But this is a campaign document intended to do just as much damage as possible to Bronson, so their math simply doesn’t matter. Only the conclusion does.