Richmond City Council issues statement on meals tax issue, provides some future plans

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — The Richmond City Council has issued a joint statement following several emotional testimonies made last week by restaurant owners impacted by the meals tax fiasco.

During a scheduled council meeting on Monday, Feb. 12, five of the local restaurant owners who have been hit with bills totaling tens of thousands of dollars after receiving incorrect information from City tax auditors took to the council’s podium to share their stories.

PREVIOUS: Richmond restaurant owners speak at City Council meeting, demand to be heard on meals tax issue

“It’s only three minutes for us at this podium for y’all to listen,” said co-owner of Philly Vegan, Samuel Veney, who was billed nearly $40,000 in unpaid taxes and penalties . “For me? It’s been two years. For some of these people, it’s been three, four, five, six, seven [years] — and it shouldn’t be this way.”
Samuel Veney, co-owner of Richmond restaurant Philly Vegan, holds up a new letter he received from the finance department at the Feb. 12 City Council Meeting. (Photo: Richmond City Council)

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