Condo owner wonders about enforcement regarding flags, posters of support hanging in windows

Live in a home governed by a condominium, co-op or homeowner’s association? Have questions about what they can and cannot do? Ryan Poliakoff, an attorney and author based in Boca Raton, has answers.

Question: I live in a community governed by an HOA, and I have a question regarding flags and posters in windows.

As a result of the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, many of our residents put American and Israeli flags on their homes as a show of support. Many of them also put posters of the hostages held by Hamas in their windows.

The HOA board decided that these items were in violation of the HOA rules and sent out a community wide letter saying that while they support the cause, the offending items need to be removed by Dec.15, or violations would be issued.

Some residents complied, but many others refused; and now violation letters have been sent.

As I understand the process, the board will, at the next meeting, vote whether to fine these residents. If they vote to impose a fine, they will also set an amount of the fine. Then the issue will go to the compliance committee to uphold or decline the fine.

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