Jacksonville AT&T exec: Black community must look at past, act on present to build future

As we commemorate Black History Month and reflect on the past’s struggles and triumphs, it also encourages us to continue working for a brighter future for the Black community. It also offers an opportunity to turn inspiration into collective action so we can address the challenges of today and continue opening doors of opportunities for future generations.

As we take a path forward, three impactful considerations come to mind as vital guideposts for our collective journey:

Supporting the young members of our community

Education plays a pivotal role in the pursuit of progress and financial stability. Too often, the cost of education can stand as a roadblock and seem inaccessible. Black students do not always have the knowledge or resources to find programs and scholarships needed to offset the costs. Mentoring and guiding students through this process can increase their chances of finding funding opportunities and help them persist in their educational goals.

Scholarships and support programs geared toward Black students can help address racial educational inequalities. Programs like AT&T’s Rising Future Makers, which is meant for students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities and provide an opportunity to showcase how they positively impact their local communities and campuses. In turn, students have a chance to receive awards and mentoring opportunities. Last year, 25 Black students nationwide, including two Jacksonville natives, received $5,000 each.

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