Meet Our Mid-Valley: Trebriel Larry of Briel’s BBQ is passionate about food, community

This is part of a weekly series introducing readers to individuals who are passionate about our Mid-Valley community.

The subtle scent of smoke and meat cuts through the air on a rainy afternoon, smoke billowing from a stack. It’s been drizzling for the last six hours as Trebriel “Briel” Larry has been cooking at his smoker for an event. He lifts one of the smoker’s doors to mop the brisket and pork loin inside, getting a face full of smoke.

“The best part of barbecue is the process, I love the process,” Larry said.

“People think I’m crazy that for a pop-up I’m up for 36 hours from beginning to cook to the end of service … but you have to be crazy to do it, and if you don’t have the pride, passion and perseverance you can’t do it.”

Trying something new and starting barbecue business

Larry runs Briel’s BBQ, a pop-up and catering business primarily around Independence and Salem. Larry describes his barbecue as western Texas style, with South Carolina flavors. He uses white oak on an offset cooker. Apart from the meats, side dishes are his mom’s recipes.

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