Originally published Feb. 15 on {a style=”font-size: 12px;” href=”https://www.idahoednews.org/news/caldwell-tinkers-with-policy-to-pull-absent-teens-drivers-licenses/?utm_source=republish&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=republish”}IdahoEdNews.org{/a}.Idaho teens who don’t attend school could lose their driver’s licenses.
It’s not a new approach and it’s enshrined in Idaho code, but it came into the limelight Tuesday when Caldwell School District trustees considered bolstering their existing policy.
Caldwell High School administrators use the policy to encourage participation, Caldwell Superintendent Shalene French said, and would “absolutely be happy to continue to do so.” The new version is more thorough than the current iteration, and spells out procedures for revoking licenses.
“It seems fair to me,” Board Chair Marisela Pesina said. “There’s privileges that you get when you’re attending school.”
French pointed out that such a policy is in place at at least two large districts with high attendance and graduation rates, Pocatello/Chubbuck School District and Bonneville School District. Pocatello/Chubbuck (90%) and Bonneville (90.8%) both have much higher four-year graduation rates than Caldwell (63.2%).