St. Petersburg Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 1174 Incidents and 13 Crime Stories

St. Petersburg Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 1174 Incidents and 13 Crime Stories

During the last week, St. Petersburg reported a total of 1174 crime cases. The most frequent crime type was ‘Other’, accounting for 304 cases, followed closely by ‘Theft’ with 276 cases. ‘Arrest’ and ‘Trespass’ both had 124 cases each, while ‘Suspicious Situation’ represented 85 cases. ‘Burglary’ and ‘Domestic Related’ incidents were also significant, with 60 and 57 cases respectively. ‘Assault’ cases were slightly less, with 55 cases. The remaining crimes, ‘Vandalism’, ‘Civil Problem’, ‘Hit & Run’, ‘Argument’, ‘Shooting’, and ‘Robbery’, made up a smaller portion of the total, with the least severe being ‘Robbery’ and ‘Shooting’, both with 8 cases each. These statistics indicate a relatively high crime rate in the place, with a significant proportion of these crimes being theft and other undefined types. The number of arrests and trespassing incidents also suggest a need for increased law enforcement presence and community vigilance.

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