Syracuse Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 561 Incidents and 20 Crime Stories

Syracuse Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 561 Incidents and 20 Crime Stories

During the last week, Syracuse reported a total of 561 crime cases. The data reveals that domestic related cases were the most prevalent with 132 instances, followed by other crimes at 73, assault at 72, and theft at 68. Burglary also had a significant presence with 59 cases. Other offenses included suspicious situations (46), vandalism (30), trespass (24), and arguments (23). The least reported crimes were robbery (13), disturbance (11), and shooting (9), with a single case of arrest. These figures paint a concerning picture of the crime situation in the place, with an urgent need for strategies to combat domestic related crimes, which make up the largest proportion of cases. The data also indicates a necessity to tighten security measures to deter theft and burglary, given their high occurrence.

Incidents Last Week
Domestic Related 132
Other 73
Assault 72
Theft 68
Burglary 59
Suspicious Situation 46
Vandalism 30
Trespass 24
Argument 23
Robbery 13

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