10 questions with Jamie Hunter, co-owner of The Rusty Cup

IDA Jamie Hunter and her husband, Heath, own and operate The Rusty Cup, a coffee shop located at 2866 Lewis Ave. The Monroe News recently interviewed Jamie to find out more about the Ida business.

How long has the coffee shop been in this location? We opened April 20, 2023, so it’s been a little over a year. Before us, there was a dog groomer and, at one time, this location was Alfred Clime Hardware. I have a historical picture from 1935 hanging in the shop of the old hardware store.

Where does the name The Rusty Cup come from? We always knew we wanted to open a coffee shop. The name came from our family sitting around, throwing out names and brainstorming.

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How did you get your start in coffee? For years, my husband and I had wanted to started a business. We love coffee. We love the atmosphere of coffee and the people. We’ve been married for almost 25 years. When we first got married, we went to a coffee shop and we loved the experience we had. For 25 years, it’s been a conversation to have a coffee shop or some sort of business.

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