Healey defends new 5-day overflow shelter stay limit

BOSTON (WWLP) – The Healey-Driscoll administration announced a new emergency shelter policy last week, that redesignates overflow shelter sites as “temporary respite centers,” and limit stays there to five days.

Migrants and advocates held protests both at the state house in Boston and in Springfield on Monday, calling the new 5-day policy “cruel” and saying it will force families to choose between living on the streets and forfeiting future shelter eligibility.

Governor Healey answered questions about the longevity of this new policy at two unrelated press conferences on Monday afternoon. “Look, it’s a heartbreaking situation. I have said from the outset, though, that Massachusetts only has so much capacity. And I certainly don’t want to see people out on the streets,” said Healey. “But I’ve said that this is, unfortunately, a federal problem.”

The governor called on Congress and the federal government to increase aid and amend policies to support increasing migrant populations. She added that Massachusetts’ new regulations were not up for debate.

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