Gov. Little’s Idaho Falls visit to talk water curtailment sees large protest from farmers

On a smoke-filled Tuesday morning, farmers from across eastern Idaho lined up over 70 tractors on Lindsay Boulevard to protest Gov. Brad Little’s visit with the Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce.

Little spoke to farmers and chamber members where he reaffirmed his commitment to not involve the government in the water curtailment issue and that farmers in this region can find a solution on their own.

Little said he’s been focused on the water issue plaguing eastern Idaho farmers since May. He’s been calling farmers and surface water users, urging them to find a resolution that will benefit both sides.

“I can tell you that waiting until the last minute is unacceptable to me. We must give certainty to all water users in future years,” Little said. I’ve said it, and I’ll say it again and again. We need to have these resolved by farmers because their solution is always going to be better than either A) government edict, or B) somebody in a long black robe, but particularly the federal government.”

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