Message to Idaho AG Labrador: Drop your frivolous lawsuit against citizens initiative Opinion

Idaho Attorney General Ra ú l Labrador’s attempt to prevent Idaho voters from voting on the open primaries initiative has reached farcical levels.

As reported this week by the Idaho Statesman’s Ian Max Stevenson, Labrador wants to continue to represent Secretary of State Phil McGrane in a lawsuit filed by Labrador against McGrane.

If you’re confused, don’t worry; the Idaho Supreme Court is, too, and wants to know why Labrador thinks this doesn’t present a conflict of interest.

This latest episode is just another reason Labrador needs to stop his silly, frivolous, anti-democratic lawsuit.

To catch you up, Labrador is suing to stop the open primaries initiative from appearing on the November ballot for two reasons.

First, he claims it violates the statutory requirement that initiatives be on a single subject. The open primaries initiative creates an open primary and creates a top-four ranked choice voting system in the general election. Labrador argues that’s two subjects.

Proponents argue — rightly — that the initiative is still a single subject because it has to do with how we elect our leaders.

Story continues