Florida may have to pay businesses’ legal fees after judge permanently blocks part of ‘Stop Woke’ law

Florida could face paying attorney fees for businesses that successfully challenged part of a 2022 law that Gov. Ron DeSantis dubbed the “Stop WOKE Act.” Attorneys for the businesses Tuesday filed an 11-page motion that asks a judge to determine that the plaintiffs are entitled to recover legal fees and costs.

The motion came four days after Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker granted a permanent injunction against part of the law that sought to restrict business from addressing race-related issues in workplace training.

The permanent injunction came after the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals this year upheld a preliminary injunction that Walker issued in 2022. Walker and the appeals court said the restrictions violated First Amendment rights.

Tuesday’s motion for attorney fees described the plaintiffs’ success in the case as “resounding.”

The motion seeks to recover fees for district-court and appeals-court proceedings. “Plaintiffs did not just achieve some benefit but rather achieved the key benefit they sought in bringing this suit: enjoining enforcement of the unconstitutional Stop WOKE Act,” the motion said.

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