Former Mayor Turner, Amanda Edwards announce run for late Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s seat in Congress

Former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is among those hoping to fill the seat in the Texas 18th Congressional District left vacant after Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s passing .

Turner formally announced his candidacy on Friday after telling ABC13 last month he was “strongly considering” a bid for the seat.

“The historic 18th Congressional District in the heart of Houston is without representation today. Upon the passing of my dear friend, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, we have a painful decision to make. We need to select who will fill her shoes, as we mourn her death,” he said in a statement.

In January, Turner finished two terms as Houston mayor and served for decades before that in the Texas House of Representatives.

Turner said he’s received endorsements from Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and Commissioner Rodney Ellis.

READ MORE: Former Houston mayor, Texas Rep. Jarvis Johnson interested in filling Sheila Jackson Lee’s seat

Meanwhile, Former City Council member Amanda Edwards has launched her campaign, along with former Councilman Dwight Boykins.

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