Metro man scammed out of $20,000, hoping for recourse

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) – A man in Oklahoma City was scammed out of almost $20,000 earlier this year by someone posing as Best Buys “Geek Squad.”

“I believed that I made a mistake,” Ashok Krishnamurthy said.

But by that point, it was too late for him.

“I could see it on my bank account,” he said.

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He got an email from someone posing as Best Buys tech support team known as the “Geek Squad.” It was for a nearly $350 extended warranty. He had his secretary call the number on the email and she was on the phone for over 30 minutes.

“I was taking care of my stuff in the office, and she was on the computer and she asked me to log into my bank account,” Krishnamurthy said.

Not knowing the scope of the situation, he logged in. At that point the hacker had access to his computer. From there, they appeared to put money in his account saying it was actually a refund. They did that only to say they made a mistake and pulled the money back out along with about $19,700 of his money. They even started asking for more to.

Story continues