One of Oregon’s longest-serving mayors is retiring after 26 years in office

John McArdle isn’t subtle.

For 26 years, he has stood out as mayor of Independence. He is a presence when he stands at the dais in front of a city council meeting, looking every bit like the 6-foot-4 former international-level hammer thrower he is. People notice him at a grocery store or mowing his lawn and stop to talk to him.

But he quickly deflects any credit for the accomplishments of the city during his time in office.

“It takes a team effort and I’m large and easy to see,” McArdle said. “And I can be loud. But there’s been so many people working together.”

McArdle, 67, is retiring from office at the end of this year. His absence will be noticeable.

He wants to assure people that nothing is wrong. His health and the health of his family members are good. And he’s not moving or anything like that.

McArdle says it’s just time to be done.

“We’ve gotten a lot of things done. There’s always more,” McArdle said. “And it’s just time. Nothing bad, just it’s a good time to do that. We’ve got so many good things. I’m so proud of what we’ve been able to do in this community.”

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