Little Hands Serving Hearts to pack, distribute back-to-school backpacks this weekend

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) – This weekend, Little Hands Serving Hearts will be out in the community packing and distributing backpacks for children in need this school year.

Little Hands Serving Hearts is a local non-profit organization dedicated to creating and providing volunteer service opportunities for children.

Executive Director Ashley Seligson joined the CBS 42 Morning News on Saturday to talk about the project.

“It’s hard to believe summer is gone and it is back to school time, but it is our hope that we can ensure every student, no matter what their circumstances, have all the tools that they need to have a successful and bright school year,” Seligson said.

Seligson founded the organization seven years ago as a way for her and her husband to get their children involved in helping the community.

“There’s no minimum age to volunteer,” Seligson said. “Everything we do is kid friendly. Lots of families volunteer together and we have events such as Fill a Backpack, we feed the homeless, we do our Christmas Blessings event and kind of everything in between.”

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