Garden chores for August in Jacksonville: Staying cool and lessening your workload

Summer is a rough time for the garden, as well as the gardener. There is usually little reprieve from daily heat and humidity and when our nighttime temperatures rarely drop below the high 70s it makes getting up the energy to garden difficult. Here are some tips to keep going with your garden in the month of August.

How to stay safe in the sun

It may seem like your plants are important, but even more vital is to keep yourself safe in the sun and heat. Try to avoid working outside other than in the early morning or evenings, take breaks, and keep drinking water to stay hydrated. If you ever feel sick, faint, or get cramps, be sure to get somewhere cool and sip on some water. If you or someone else experiences loss of consciousness, severe cramping, seizures, or heavy levels of sickness, heat stroke is a possibility and you should call 911 or seek medical attention immediately.

Your long-term health is also important, so protect yourself from the sun by wearing sunscreen, light-colored, lightweight clothing, a hat and sunglasses. Anything to help block the sun’s rays from reaching your skin is important to lessen your risk of skin cancer and other issues.

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