After recall in Gervais, disagreement by 2 remaining city councilors leads to stalemate

Gervais’ City Council is at a stalemate and could remain so until November unless the two remaining city councilors can agree to let the city administrator run council meetings.

Baltazar “Junior” Gonzalez and Joel Ramon, the remaining city councilors after the rest of the council was recalled in June , couldn’t agree who would be council president in a special meeting Wednesday, so Thursday’s regular City Council meeting was canceled.

And unless the two councilors agree with City Attorney Ed Trompke’s interpretation of the city charter that would allow city administrator Roger Brown to run meetings, the City Council could be stalled from doing business such as passing ordinances until the new City Council is elected in November and seated in 2025. The filing deadline for positions open on the City Council is Aug. 27.

“It’s possible that there will be only two council members until January,” Trompke said.

Most of Gervais City Council recalled in June

Three of the five Gervais city councilors and Mayor Annie Gilland were recalled in a June 18 special election .

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