The western burrowing owl is now one step closer to state protections

California’s western burrowing owls may soon see greater protections as a petition to list some populations of the bird as endangered has advanced through a state agency.

This is the first major hurdle advocates for the species needed to clear, and some protections could take effect on a preliminary basis as soon as October. Still, there are several more steps before the state considers some populations of the owl to be endangered.

Path to protection

The process of protecting the burrowing owl started after six environmental groups filed a petition for some populations of the species to be listed as endangered. This week, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife recommended passing the petition to another state board for another level of approval: designating the species a “candidate” to be considered endangered.

“We’re hoping they take action in October,” said conservation advocate Jeff Miller of the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the groups that recommended the protections for the burrowing owl. “I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t be [designated as a candidate species]. It really does qualify.”

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