More storm chances for New England today and tomorrow

Today will see a frontal boundary slowly sag through New England. Another boundary will be set up to the north of New England. This will allow for another round of thunderstorms throughout the day. Storms will likely be more widespread across New England today than the previous couple days.

After a morning round of showers and storms across the northern tier of New England, additional scattered storms will likely be around throughout the afternoon and evening. A line of storms is looking to develop along the southern frontal boundary beginning early this afternoon. This line will push east-southeastward through the afternoon and into the evening.

Afternoon storms will be most likely across central and southern New England, where the morning shield of rain remained away from, but there is still a chance of spotty storms redeveloping across the northern third of the region.

HRRR showing potential weather early this afternoon (1st image) and heading toward late afternoon (2nd image):

Photo byHRRR/Tropical Tidbits

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