Fancy Farm is full of zingers. Here’s a rundown on some of the best ones.

FANCY FARM, Ky. — Kentucky politicians dished out a side of wisecracks to go along with the BBQ at the commonwealth’s traditional political picnic Saturday afternoon.

Also known as the Fancy Farm Political Picnic , the event drew its traditional rowdiness from the crowd as politicians spoke to the audience in the hot summer heat. Most of this year’s lineup of speakers came from the GOP, who focused on the southern border crisis and

Here’s a handful of the zingers that were dished out at the 144th Fancy Farm Political Picnic.

Emcee Father Jim Sichko

This may have been Father Jim Sichko’s first time emceeing and attending the Fancy Farm Picnic, but he said he heard plenty of stories on what to expect and came prepared.

“After the speaking and rhetoric is over, I have a booth to hear your confessions free of charge,” Sichko told the speakers.

Sichko was referring to the speeches that would follow his opening remarks, where politicians have the opportunity to lob verbal darts at their political opponents. Sichko also laid out his rules for the political speaking, and if things got out of hand, he was also prepared to serve as a exorcist.

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