Mountain bikers race in the finale of the community race series at Bogus Basin

Every summer Bogus Basin hosts the community race series with cross country races on Wednesday and downhill mountain biking races on Thursday.

Another successful season has come to a close as mountain bikers took on G-19, one of the most challenging trails in the Basin Gravity Park at the non-profit recreation area.

“There are somethings I will not ride, but I stay safe,” said Steve Parrish. “I get up here and ride and the camaraderie with these guys out here is just unbelievable.”

Parrish owns Dirt Dart Mobile Bike Services and his business sponsors the community race series. He also used to be an expert racer, retiring in 2016, but he now competes on a Husqvarna e-bike.

“How many guys 64-years-old are doing it?” said Parrish. “But, I like seeing riders who are just starting out like I did 30 years ago.”

The young riders bomb down this trail that features jumps, drops and tech. However, one of the best things about the race series is that anybody can compete and have fun.

“I got nine seconds faster than my fastest time so I’m proud of that,” said Rocco Polumbo, a young rider representing Kore North out of Meridian.

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