Marietta Declares Four Buildings Historical Landmarks

MARIETTA — The city has declared four buildings local landmarks. The Marietta Historic Preservation Commission presented each building with a bronze plaque detailing the distinction.

The four buildings are Rockford (also known as the Smith-Manning House), Brumby Hall, Clarke Library and Marietta Water Works. They are the first buildings to be given the distinction by the city.

Founded in 2005, the Marietta Historic Preservation Commission is tasked with identifying, designating, and protecting historical landmarks and districts across the city.

The purpose of local landmarks is to draw attention to a building’s history while also preserving its structure. According to David Freedman, chairman of the Marietta Historic Preservation Commission, once a building is labeled a landmark by the city, the label goes into the property’s deed. At that point, property owners must get permission from the commission if they plan to make any renovations within the public’s right-of-way.

“(The plaques) raise awareness; that’s what we are trying to do,” Freedman said.

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