Manchester apartment complex hit with back-to-back car break-ins

RICHMOND, Va. — Standing outside the visitor’s parking garage at the Eddy on the James apartment complex off Semmes Avenue in Richmond’s Manchester neighborhood, you can see where the damage was done.

Multiple cars in the lot have their windows completely busted out or severely cracked. Glass litters the ground.

“It does feel like a violation,” said one resident, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, said it happened two nights in a row.

“There was a Wednesday night break-in and I was alerted by another resident that said, ‘Hey, check your cars,'” she said. “I came down and my cars were fine. The next morning when I came down to go to work, my vehicles were broken into.” WTVR

Her car and her two children’s cars were targeted. Though nothing was stolen, multiple windows were shattered.

“For me, personally, having three vehicles affected, that’s almost what I’m paying in rent,” she explained.

The apartment’s visitors’ garage, where the resident said both break-ins occurred, does not appear to have any cameras you can see from the garage, nor is it gated.

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