Man returns valuable coins bought at Massachusetts yard sale

Man returns expensive coins after purchasing them at a Massachusetts family’s yard sale 02:12

MANSFIELD – A Massachusetts family says their hearts were touched by a surprising act of kindness. They didn’t know that some rare coins were mixed in with an item they sold at a yard sale until they were returned with a note.

It’s been an emotional year for the Spiewakowskis, moving their elderly dad out of his Dudley home; selling the house and many of his possessions.

“It was nice because my brothers and I got to spend some time together at the house and did a lot of reminiscing and so forth,” said son Steve Spiewakowski of the estate sales.

But they’ll never forget what they gained, in something that was given away.

“We never would have known. We didn’t know that stuff was in there and we never would have missed it,” he said.

A yard sale customer paid $6 for a box of costume jewelry. Days later, that customer tracked the family down through their realtor.

“I don’t remember seeing this,” Steve said, holding the small box of coins. “This is what he put in the mailbox. He said they were worth over $200. I don’t know the value of these coins.”

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