A Florida Restaurant Closed Due: Found 44 Rodent Droppings, 3 Dead Roaches and a Soiled Floor

Let’s take a look at some recent news about Diner By The Sea, located on Commercial Blvd. in Lauderdale By The Sea. The diner was ordered to shut down on August 2 due to some serious health and sanitation issues. Here’s a closer look at what the inspectors found:

The Issues Uncovered:

  • Rodent Droppings Everywhere: Inspectors discovered around 24 rodent droppings on a kitchen shelf with audio equipment, 12 under the microwave, 4 on a prep table, and even 2 on top of the dishwashing machine. Rodent droppings were also found in the rear storage area. That’s a lot of unwanted visitors!
  • Dead Roaches: Unfortunately, the roach situation wasn’t much better. Inspectors found dead roaches under the triple sink, next to the stove, and on a shelf at the front counter.
  • Dirty Equipment and Floors: The ware washing machine had a buildup of debris on the exterior, and the floor had debris and standing water in various spots, including behind the stove and ice machine.
  • Food Safety Concerns: A “Stop Sale” was issued because some fish that was supposed to be kept frozen was left out overnight. There was also an issue with butter being held at too high a temperature, which can be a serious health risk.
  • Employee Training: The inspection revealed that the diner didn’t have proof of required employee training, which is essential for ensuring food safety and hygiene.

Story continues