Is the mint taking over the garden this summer? What Georgia gardeners should know for next year

July 2024 was the 4th Wettest July on record for the Atlanta area, but the first week of August has featured mainly dry conditions!

This provides an opportunity to assess this year’s summer garden, and to perhaps make plans and potential edits for next year’s garden.

I spoke with Ashley Frasca, host of Green and Growing on 95.5 WSB regarding some of the most common mistakes Georgia gardeners make when selecting plants for the garden.

Q: There are a lot of different species we can put in the ground, but we need to be aware — as Georgia growers and gardeners — what may or may not be a good “citizen” to put in the garden?

A: So we have our native plants, which we absolutely love. Those are very inviting to our native insects and our native birds — but you don’t have to have a landscape with all native plants.

You can also have plants that are pretty and trendy.

But there is a difference between something that is invasive — something that is maybe from the Asian continent or the European continent that was brought over here that doesn’t do well here.

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