Hiett steps down as chairman of corporation commission following allegations of misconduct

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett stepped down as the chairman of the commission to seek treatment for alcoholism following allegations he publicly groped someone during a business trip.

In addition to stepping down as chairman, he is also giving over his duties to represent the State of Oklahoma on a panel that oversees the Southwest Power Pool, the regional power grid Oklahoma is connected to.

“[This] would allow me more time to focus on my recovery, my spiritual healing, my physical health, and my family,” Hiett said Wednesday. “I remain committed to serving my constituents, and fulfilling my duties with dedication and professionalism. I ask for the public’s understanding and patience as any investigation proceeds and I work extra hard to assure the people’s trust in me.”

Hiett’s admitted personal struggle with alcoholism was only recently made public when a whistleblower report with the Kansas Corporation Commission documented an incident with Hiett in Minnesota at a regulatory conference.

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