With Democrats’ ticket finalized, here are the 8 expected nominees on SC’s ballot

(Elena Sunagatova/ iStock/Getty Images Plus)

COLUMBIA — With Vice President Kamala Harris formally becoming the Democratic nominee for president and selecting her running mate this week, voters’ choices between the major parties are clear.

However, when South Carolina voters go to cast their ballot — whether in 90 days on Election Day itself or sometime during early voting — they’ll have a lot more than two parties to pick between.

Beyond Harris leading Democrats’ ticket and former President Donald Trump as Republicans’ nominee, there will likely be six other parties on South Carolina’s ballot for president. Finding your choice may take a minute.

Who’s running for president in SC?

The following are expected to be on South Carolina’s ballot for president, though not all have completed filing their paperwork with state election officials. The nominees are listed with their running mates in the order they’re slated to appear:

• Constitution: Randall Terry and Stephen Broden

• United Citizens: Cornel West and Melina Abdullah

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