Florida Restaurant Closes Up After Inspection Found Roaches, Insects, and Bad Food Storage

If you’re thinking about heading to Champet Restaurant and Bar in Pembroke Pines, here’s what you need to know. The spot was shut down on August 1 following a complaint inspection, and they’ve had a history of issues as it was also closed down July 2022 . Let’s dive into what inspectors found:

Key Issues:

  • Roach Problem: There was a roach problem with live roaches spotted on the ceiling in the back room next to the kitchen. There were also dead roaches found on the wall above the employee rights posting.
  • Flying Insects: Inspectors found a live flying insect in the to-go cashier area. Although this area isn’t in the kitchen, it’s still important to keep all areas pest-free.
  • Temperature Troubles: There were several temperature control issues:
    • In the Kitchen Flip Top: Cooked sausage was at 54°F and shredded lettuce was at 50°F—both higher than the safe cold holding temperature of 41°F. The operator mentioned these items had been in the unit overnight.
    • On the Kitchen Counter: Cooked chicken was at 80°F at noon, having been cooling since 9 AM. It didn’t cool to the required 70°F within 2 hours.
    • Cooling Issues: Cooked beef was cooling at an inadequate rate, starting at 69°F and only dropping to 60°F in 25 minutes. It was left on the counter at room temperature.
  • Unapproved Cooling Methods: Foods were cooling in a way that’s not approved, which can lead to food safety concerns.
  • Unnecessary Persons in Prep Area: A small child was seen walking through the kitchen where food was being prepared. This is a big no-no as it can lead to contamination. The operator was instructed to keep the child out of the prep area, though they were later seen in the to-go cashier station.

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