News 4 viewers give back to couple living with no electricity

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) — A metro couple who has been without power since a recent storm should soon have it restored, and then some, thanks to generous News 4 viewers.

Wednesday was day 43 in-a-row that Andrew Baker and Charity Coffey fueled up and ran a generator to keep their home cool on a blazing summer day.

ORIGINAL STORY: ‘Metro couple still without power nearly one month after storm’

They were also running the generator when News 4 first met them 15 days ago, and reported about their predicament.

“We’re barely making ends meet,” Coffey said last month . “Like, it’s rough, you know?”

Ever since a severe storm blew through their property in late June, the two former addicts who are now sober and in recovery, with a baby on the way, have had no power and no money to make the necessary repairs to get it restored.

“It was like 100 mile an hour winds,” Coffey said.

“It’s been a, it’s been a struggle to keep to not want to not want to go back to that old life,” Baker said. “But God’s got bigger and better plans for me or for us both.”

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