‘It remains to be seen’: Bakersfield attorney weighs in on Zack Scrivner’s civil and criminal cases

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — A new court filing obtained by 17 News shows former county Supervisor Zack Scrivner saying he can’t afford to pay child support, since he’s now unemployed.

Following his resignation from the Board of Supervisors last Friday, Scrivner stated he can no longer provide for his four minor children, who are all in full custody of estranged wife Christina Scrivner.

Bakersfield family law attorney Xochitl Garcia, provided 17 News with a legal analysis of the Scrivners’ not-so-typical civil case.

“The argument on the other side of that, is that each parent is responsible financially for their minor children,” said Garcia.

In a two-page declaration, Scrivner wrote, “I want to be able to financially assist with their daily needs. However, unfortunately, these current circumstances have left me with no income.”

Scrivner stated he can pay for May, June and July, since he received his full county pay of $10,669 per month.

“He’s stating that from this point forward, since his resignation, he’s unable to pay any child support,” Garcia said.

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