San Jose mayor opposes rent control expansion measure

San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan has come out against a November ballot initiative that could vastly expand rent control to cover any type of housing in California.

State law has for decades barred cities from limiting rent hikes on single-family homes and apartments built after 1995. Proposition 33 would repeal that law and also let cities control rent prices for new tenants. The idea has Mahan and 22 other mayors across the state mounting fierce opposition.

As time goes on and new homes get built, tenant advocates warn rent control will apply to fewer buildings. Opponents argue that repealing the Costa–Hawkins Rental Housing Act of 1995 would let cities off the hook from building more affordable housing.

“Too many families are struggling because of the high cost of housing,” Mahan said in a statement from the mayoral coalition. “As mayor, I am focused on ensuring San Jose builds new housing downtown and near fast and reliable public transit. Prop 33 would make it harder for San Jose, and the state of California, to meet our affordable housing goals and help families wrestling with skyrocketing housing costs.”

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