D.C. Download: Can permitting reform turn Nevada into the next ‘energy highway?’

Permit me a bad pun to start this newsletter?

This week, I’m tackling the bipartisan permitting reform compromise bill, which sailed through committee with the support of Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV). If passed, it would have major impacts on mining, clean energy development in Nevada and the efficiency with which the Western transmission grid is brought online.

And on a programming note, D.C. Download will be in your inboxes on a slightly different schedule for the remainder of the summer — likely every other week, given that Congress is out of session and D.C. is pretty dead this time of year.

Let’s get into it.

The News of the Week: Permitting reform advances through committee

By a 15-4 vote last week, the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee passed the Energy Permitting Reform Act, a compromise bill by brought Sens. Joe Manchin (I-WV) and John Barrasso (R-WY) to speed up the development of energy projects — renewable and fossil fuels.

It would make it easier to bring more energy projects online — whether through power line or pipeline.

Story continues