The Perseids meteor shower peaks this Sunday & Monday. Can you view it from Wichita?

This weekend may be a good opportunity for some star gazing.

The annual Perseid meteor shower began in late July, and if you haven’t gotten the chance to view it yet, you’re in luck. The meteor shower is set to peak Sunday night through early Monday morning.

The Perseid meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through debris that was left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle. The last time this comet passed close to Earth was in 1992. The peak happens when Earth travels through the most debris.

NASA reports that you can see about 100 meteors per hour when viewing the shower during its peak.

Here’s what to know about viewing the shower in Wichita this weekend.

How can I view the shower in Wichita?

The sun is setting in Wichita on Sunday at 8:26 p.m., according to, and rising at 6:43 a.m. on Monday. NASA says the best time to view meteor showers is during pre-dawn hours, but it can be viewed as early as 10 p.m.

Unfortunately, weather could get in the way of Wichitans seeing the best view of the shower’s peak. According to National Weather Service’s forecast, Sunday night is expected to be cloudy with a 50% chance of showers and thunderstorms after 1 a.m. The chance of thunderstorms continues through Monday until 1 p.m.

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