Annual Perseid meteor shower to peak in South Carolina sky this weekend

Take a long look up in the night sky this weekend and into next week, and you just might be in for a treat with the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower over South Carolina.

The annual Perseid meteor shower is one of the best meteor showers of the year, especially because the shower peaks on summer nights.

The 2024 edition will produce the greatest number of meteors on the mornings of August 11th, 12th and 13th, according to

But don’t wait. You can start looking now.

The 2024 Perseid meteor shower began its steady rise to its peak over the past several weeks, and every clear night that we get is a good night to see them in the Palmetto State; and it just gets better as we near the peak dates.

Earth is passing through the path of Comet Swift-Tuttle with the showers peaking when Earth passes through the densest and dustiest area of the comet. That means we’ll see the most meteors in the shortest amount of time near that peak, but you can still catch some action from the annual meteor shower before or after that point.

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