New England weather this week: Beautifully calm (mostly)

New England will spend much of this week in a trough, but building high pressure at the surface and drier air will bring a mostly pleasant week. There will be a couple quick rain chances within the trough, but nothing anywhere near impactful. This setup will keep temperatures hovering near seasonable, if not slightly lower than average, levels.


Overall, Monday will be a pleasant and quiet, but cooler day for New England. With trough overhead of the region, temperatures aloft will remain rather cold for the time of year. This cooler air, when combined with daytime heating at the surface, will likely trigger increasing clouds with scattered showers and storms. These showers and storms will rotate into New England from the northwest. They will be scattered, so not everyone will see one. Highs will be in the 70s region-wide.

HRRR showing potential weather later this afternoon:


Tuesday and Wednesday will basically be copies of each other. The aforementioned surface high pressure builds into New England from the west despite cool temperatures and troughing aloft. The drier air toward the surface will keep the region dry with the troughing aloft just producing some afternoon clouds without any organized low pressure system. Highs both days will be right at seasonable levels, in the low to mid 80s. The general northwest flow will keep humidity in check as well.

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