Unexpected Black Bear Sighting Startles West Mobile Lawn Crew

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Imagine this: you’re out mowing the lawn, minding your own business, when suddenly… a black bear decides to show up!

That’s exactly what happened to a lawn crew in West Mobile on a regular Tuesday morning.

What started as just another day of trimming and edging turned into a wild encounter worthy of a nature documentary.

Bear on the Run

The crew was just wrapping up one job and heading to the next when they saw something unusual sprinting across Overlook Road at Reed and Middle Ring Road.

A bear!

Yes, a real black bear was on the move, causing the crew to drop everything and whip out their phones to capture the moment.

“Well, you don’t see that every day!” one of the men exclaimed as they watched the bear hustle into a nearby patch of woods.

While the bear wasn’t huge, it sure knew how to make an entrance. The sighting left the crew and nearby residents buzzing with excitement—and a little concern.

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