Salem approves grant for downtown security fence to address homeless camping

The city has approved up to $168,000 in grant funding for fencing around two properties in north downtown Salem.

Homeless service provider ARCHES Project and business Coldwell Banker both neighbor Marion Square Park and are frequent spots for camping and gathering of people who are unsheltered.

ARCHES officials said many of those gathering outside are not seeking services at their day center and can interfere with those who are seeking meals, housing services, showers and shelter. A survey of those camping around the building found less than 10% accessed ARCHES services.

Vandalism, harassment reported at downtown Salem buildings

According to a city staff report, employees and customers at the Coldwell Banker Building reported daily safety concerns due to people gathered at their property entrance.

“Over the last few years, windows have been broken, exterior building lights have been broken or removed, and the air conditioner was vandalized to the point of being inoperable,” staff said in the report. “The property continues to be concerned that the vandalism will continue and has been paying for security services during business hours. The cost of repairs due to vandalism and costs for security service have created a financial hardship to the owner (Coldwell Banker).”

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