Will remodeled store solve food desert in NE Wichita

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — A Dollar General store at 21st and Piatt has been remodeled and updated to a DG Market format. The store now sells fresh meats, fruits and vegetables.

That area of northeast Wichita is one of several food deserts where people have limited access to a variety of healthful foods.

KSN News asked the Health and Wellness Coalition of Wichita if the fresh meat and produce at DG Market will end the food desert in northeast Wichita.

Shelley Rich, a coalition facilitator, said it would depend on the cost and variety of fruits and vegetables the store has in stock.

“This is a step in the right direction, assuming the cost of the fruits and vegetables is comparable to stores in other areas of town,” she said. “It will also be helpful if Dollar General displays the food in an eye-catching way at the front of the store.”

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Dollar General closed the store for a week in July to do the remodeling and updating.

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