Surfside collapse law means Fla. condo owners face high costs

( NewsNation ) — Florida condominium owners are having to foot hefty bills for structural repairs because of laws connected to the 2021 Champlain Towers South collapse in Surfside that killed 98 people.

While residents support changes being made to prevent similar tragedies, some of those living in the more than 900,000 condominium units in Florida say rising costs have made it hard for them to stay in the area.

Under SB 4-D, which was signed into law in May 2022 , condo buildings over 30 years old must pass a structural integrity inspection by the end of this year. Units near bodies of saltwater, like Champlain Towers, will have to do so if they’re more than 25 years old.

Condominium associations are required to keep funds in their reserves for maintenance and repairs needed to bring them up to code, meaning many are upping monthly association dues, according to NBC News .

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Residents concerned over costs

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