This Air Force Hero Builds Tiny Homes for Homeless Veterans Out of Shipping Containers-Restoring Hope for Those in Need

Former Air Force Chief Doug Kordt has always gone out of his way to help homeless veterans, visiting their camps with food and clothing. And now he’s found a unique way to do even more: He’s converted shipping containers into tiny homes and offers them to struggling vets—rent-free!

Doug Kordt was surprised when his partner at his shipping container business, Dave Theis, told him, “You know, some people have started adding doors and windows to the containers and turning them into small apartments. What do you think of trying that?”

“I don’t think so,” Doug dismissed the idea out of hand.

Dave hesitated, then said, “Well, I’ve already done one. It will arrive next week.”

Doug set up the renovated container alongside a ramshackle old house that sat at one end of their Stockton, California, Vault Moving and Portable Storage property, hoping someone might see it and decide to buy it.

Unfortunately, the old house was a magnet for squatters, sadly, many of them homeless veterans. For safety reasons, police had to remove them.

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